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Tutorial- Processing- Milky Way

March 6, 2011

Welcome to a quiet grass airfield outside Maupin, OR. In this tutorial we will focus on:

-Exposure and color balance of the Milky Way

-Bringing detail out of the Milky Way swirls and gases

-Dealing with horizon based light pollution and atmosphere

-Balancing color temperatures throughout the image

-Brightening the foreground

-Noise Reduction

-and, yeahp, much, much more

We will be using Adobe Lightroom 3 for the editing. In my opinion, this program has the most powerful, effective, and easy to use Noise Reduction capabilities along with great, custom editing function and intuitive use- all in one program! If you do not own this program, you can download a free, full function, 30 day trial directly from Adobe. Follow the link below:

As with all the other tips and techniques in these tutorials- this is not an exhaustive collection of all methods to edit astrophotography photos- it is instead a collection of techniques and methods that I use. I have done my best to use the tools available to us as best as possible.

The following videos are sequential recordings documenting my editing process of this image from start to finish. Once you have entered the password into the video- it will be remembered on future visits.

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  1. Mike Shaw Today permalink

    I appreciate this set of tutorials. Going to look through my star pics from a few weeks ago, and apply these techniques. Thanks!

  2. Mark Damadus permalink

    Knowledge should be free. I guess that you had to pay someone to learn this too? You give photogs a bad name.

    • *laughing* Wow, Mark, you obviously don’t understand that knowledge is free! And always will be free! You are completely free to go amass this knowledge yourself and do whatever you like with it. You are free to spend 3 years of learning something on your own. You are free to drive 2-5 hours from your home each time you go shoot stars. You are free to show up to work exhausted because you spent your free time not sleeping but trying new techniques out. You are free to spend your weekends working and working on new processing techniques. You are free to spend your money on trying different styles and companies to print out your images. You are free to do all this.
      I encourage you to quit wasting your time on this web page and go experience your freedom.
      As for me, this reply cost me my time and I got nothing out of it, so guess you did get some of me for free.

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